Club social rides of about 35 – 60 miles with a cafe stop take place on the following days:
Tuesday – wheels away 10:00am from Jan’s Kitchen Ponteland.
Thursday – wheels away 10:15 from Kirkley Cafe.
Saturday – wheels away 10.00am from Kirkley Cafe.
Sunday – wheels away 10:00 from Jan’s Kitchen Ponteland.
There is also an opportunity to have a coffee before the ride.
Pace categories usually depend on numbers attending and ride leader availability, we try to have a 12-13, 14-15 and 16-17mph available, but not necessarily on each day. Thursdays and Saturdays are currently the most populars days, when the greatest range of paces tend to be available. We do not limit the numbers that can attend though the Ride Leader can and will split the group if too large to be deemed safe.
Members use the Spond app to keep in touch with events and register attendance plus advertise rides available that day.
Spond also provides the club’s ‘chatroom’ and allows for texts to be sent between members.
If you wish to join one of our club rides, but are not a member, please email our our Club Captains stating the pace you are comfortable with (i.e. can hold a conversation at) so they can suggest an appropriate ride for you. We allow you to try 3 club rides before you must become a member. Should you join, you will be provided with access to the club’s Spond group.
See you soon
Club Captains.