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PositionIncumbentClub Email Address
PresidentHugh Harrison
ChairpersonPeter Reynolds
Vice ChairpersonGordon Atkinson
TreasurerKellie-Jo Huntley
Membership SecretaryTerry
Time Trial SecretaryNick Wild
Mountain Time Trial SecretaryDavid Davison
Clothing SecretaryMartin
Social SecretaryCaroline Reynolds
Club CaptainsFiona Price, Simon
Youth Cycling ContactMark
Welfare OfficerKellie-Jo Huntley

To contact the club, please use one of the email addresses above, or the form on the Contact page.

Club Constitution

Version 2.9 – 19 November 2021


1.1 The Club shall be called Tyneside Vagabonds Cycling Club, hereafter to be referred to as “the



2.1 To encourage, promote and support all forms of cycling events and activities.

2.2 To donate funds to local charities from club activities.

2.3 To promote and support social events for club members.


3.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to any person completing a Club membership application

form and paying the relevant subscription fee as determined by the Annual General Meeting of the

Club Members. Applicants under 18 years of age on the date of application shall not be admitted to

club membership and shall not be permitted to take part in club activities until the Membership

Secretary has received confirmation that a Parental Consent Form has been completed in respect of

the applicant.

3.2 There shall be 6 classes of membership available. These are:

3.2.1 Adult Membership – individuals aged 18 or over at 1st January

3.2.2 Family Membership – the spouse or partner of an Adult Member (who shall themselves be

termed Adult Member) and any children or grandchildren under 18; no subscription payable in

addition to that of the first Adult Member;

3.2.3 Junior Membership (individuals aged 16 or 17 years of age on 1st January), subscription to be

50% of Full Membership fee;

3.2.4 Youth Membership (individuals aged under 16 years of age on 1st January), subscription to be

25% of Full Membership fee;

3.2.5 Honorary Membership;

3.2.6 Honorary Life Membership for those members of the club who reach the age of 80

3.3 All subscriptions are payable on joining and subsequently on 1st January in advance for that year.

3.4 Members joining after the 1st day of September in any year shall have full privileges of

membership for the succeeding year for one year’s subscription.

3.5 Any member not paying their subscription within two months after 1st January in each year shall

be deemed to have resigned.

3.6 Members cycling are strongly advised to have sufficient individual insurance cover through a

recognised cycling organisation or other insurance provider to cover their activities.


4.1 The Officers of the Club shall be as follows:

 President

 Chairperson

 Vice Chairperson

 Secretary

 Treasurer


5.1 All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, from, and by, the Adult

Members of the Club.

5.2 All Officers are elected for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same office or

another office the following year.

5.3 In the event of any Officer position becoming vacant during any year, the vacancy shall be

advertised to the Members within seven days with a request for nominations to fill the vacant

position to be received within a further seven days. In the event of more than one nomination, the

election of a replacement officer or other committee member, from, and by the adult members of

the club shall be completed within a further 14 days. In the event of there being a single nominee,

the Committee may appoint the member to the vacant position until the next General Meeting.


6.1 The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by a Committee comprising of the Officers of the Club

and 8 other Members (Social Secretary, Captain, Club Welfare Officer, Club Time Trial Secretary,

Mountain Time Trial Secretary, Clothing Secretary, Membership Secretary, Go Ride Contact) elected

from, and by, the Adult Members of the Club. The Committee shall meet at agreed intervals. The

committee meetings are open to all members. A quorum of 6 Committee members is required to

make decisions, two of those to be Officers.

6.2 The duties of the Committee shall be:

6.2.1 To control the affairs of the Club on behalf of the Members.

6.2.2 To manage the club’s finances in accordance with the club’s accounting and control

procedures (per attached schedule, as agreed by the Committee 5 October 2021) working with the

Treasurer. Latest accounts should be available for reasonable inspection by Members and should be

audited prior to presentation at each AGM. The club shall maintain a bank current account, with the

Treasurer and any other Officer necessary as signatories.

6.2.3 To co-opt additional members of the Committee as the Committee feels this is necessary.

6.2.4 To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote of those Committee Members present

(including any co-opted members). In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be entitled to an

additional casting vote.

6.2.5 Committee members may take urgent action between Committee meetings if a majority of

Committee members are in agreement. Where the action involves financial matters, the Treasurer

must be in agreement with the action proposed.

6.2.6 Each committee member is expected to attend a minimum of three committee and / or

general meetings in each year.


7.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the end of November each

year. 21 clear days written notice shall be given to all members of the Club by circulating a copy of

the notice to every Adult Member by email. Members must advise the Secretary by email of any

business to be moved, proposed and seconded, at the Annual General Meeting at least 14 days

before a meeting. Only items notified in this way may be voted on at the Annual General Meeting.

The Secretary shall give notice of the agenda to the Members not less than 7 days before the


7.2 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:

7.2.1 Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any General Meetings held

since the last Annual General Meeting.

7.2.2 Receive the audited accounts for the year from the Treasurer and to appoint the auditor for

the coming year.

7.2.3 Receive the annual report of the Committee from the Secretary.

7.2.5 Elect the Officers of the Club (i.e. President; Chairperson; Vice Chairperson, Secretary;

Treasurer) and the other Committee Members.

7.2.6 Elect Vice-Presidents, Honorary Members, and Honorary Life Members of the Club – to be

proposed by Club committee.

7.2.7 Review Club subscription rates and agree them for the forthcoming year.

7.2.8 Transact such other business received in writing by the Secretary from members 14 days prior

to the meeting and included on the agenda.

7.2.9 Any Other Business will be for discussion only – not to be voted on.

7.3 Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Committee or on receipt by the

Secretary of a request in writing from not less than 10 Adult Members of the Club. At least 21 days

notice of the meeting shall be given. Only such business notified in the request to be discussed at

the meeting.

7.4 Nomination of candidates for election of Officers and other Committee Members shall be made

in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting date.

Nominations can only be made by Adult Members and must be seconded by another Adult Member.

7.5 At all General Meetings, the chair will be taken by the Chairperson or, in their absence, by a

deputy appointed by Adult Members attending the meeting.

7.6 Decisions made at a General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of votes from those Adult

Members attending the meeting. In the event of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be entitled to an

additional casting vote.

7.7 A quorum for a General Meeting shall be 10 Adult Members, comprising 5 Committee Members,

two of those to be Officers.

7.8 Each Adult Member of the Club shall be entitled to one vote at General Meetings.


8.1 The Committee shall have the power to expel or otherwise deal with any member whose

conduct is injurious to the character and interests of the Club.

8.2 Members of the Club writing to the press must not use the Club’s name unless authorized to do

so by the Committee.

8.3 Rules and Regulations for Club and Open events promoted by the Club will be strictly enforced.

8.4 Any member who has competed for any other club during a calendar year shall not be eligible

for Club Championships or Records in the same calendar year.

8.5 Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision

shall be binding on all parties.

8.6 It would be appreciated if Members help at all club events.


9.1 Any proposed alterations to the Club Constitution may only be considered at an Annual or

Extraordinary General Meeting, convened with the required written notice of the proposal. Any

alteration or amendment must be proposed by an Adult Member of the Club and seconded by

another Adult Member. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than two-thirds of

those Adult Members present at the meeting, assuming that a quorum has been achieved.


10.1 If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the

Club, the Secretary shall immediately convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club to be

held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.

10.2 If at that Extraordinary General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the

Adult Members present at the meeting, the Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have

been specified in the resolution, proceed to realize the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and

liabilities of the Club.

10.3 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall not be paid or

distributed amongst the Members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to some other

voluntary organization having objects similar to those of the Club.